Really? Will you really join us??? That would be soooo cool! The cost should be really low - basically we will split gas money (it's $90 to fill my truck and it takes almost a full tank to Jasper and as we won't be driving much there it should be $180 max between however many of us go. Then I think Christie said the room is $60 a night for as many people as we can fit in lol! So the more of us who go the cheaper it will be!!!
So it should be a cheap weekend and the more that come along the cheaper it will be :)
It would be so great if you could join us :) we can pick you up on our way :)
Too cool!
Who else???? who else???? Christie is trained in outdoor survival - I was telling her on Saturday that if I was stuck on a dessert island I would rather be stuck with her than Lloyd lol! Lloyd would be great at building a shelter and lighting fires but thats about it lol...I know with Christie I'd survive :)
1 day ago