I am still so sleepy. Not good! I've also been really horribly anxious all morning which was worrying me a lot - so then I had Lloyd check with his colleague who is a pharmacist, and It turns out that withdrawing from my meds - mainly the Neurontin, can cause anxiety, paranoia and mania. Lol I said to Lloyd I wouldn't mind being manic for a little while but typically I don't get the good symptom lol....
Last night we went into town briefly and filled the truck with gas and went into Tims for coffee. Then we drove around a couple of subdivisions to see what was new....Sherwood Hills is horrible - I really would hate to live somewhere like that. There is only one house I like in there but I wouldn't want it in there - it looks like it would be so much better somewhere like Jasper!
Tonight is date night. Laurie goes to air cadets too so we are dropping him off and then going out somewhere and then picking him up again :) I am looking forward to it as its the first date night in 3 weeks without someone else with us :) and Lloyd is going into work late tomorrow too, so he can have breakfsat with me :) and next week he's booked a morning off to take me out for breakfast :) Nice :)
The truck came today and took away the big bin/ skip we hired. We are one step closer to getting back to normal and having the front yard look tidy again :)
It will be so good to get the concrete base smashed up and lay the new grass and gravel driveway.......it'sd such a mess out there right now...of course we can't do any of that until the new kitchen etc is built or the big trucks will make a mess of it all......
Today is school picture day so the children went off to school in suitable clothing and with their hair done nicely etc - but how they will look by the time the pictures are taken is anyones guess lol!
The weather forecast for the weekend in Jasper is looking crappy and I would really rather postpone until a weekend with dry/ snow weather...I don't mind hiking in snow and cold but I really don't feel up to a miserable weekend in wet weather - I don't have any wet weather gear at all and don't really want to have to buy any. If we were staying in a nice hotel it would be different because we could hang out in the hotel room or go out to a nice restaurant or bar etc but I don't fancy hanging out ina 12 bed dorm because of the crappy weather.....I had hoped for drinking wine by the fire pit, sitting by a lake and laughing and joking.....but none of that is possible in the rain - I won't even be able to take my camera.....I'm really disappointed in the weather.....but if we postponed two weeks then it would be more than likely dry or snow - either of which would be fine.......
I guess if I pull out someone else could drive...it just means they probably wouldn't go another weekend. I'm waiting to hear from Christie but so far it sounds like its only me not kitted out for wet weather. You see (those of you not in AB) it doesn't rain here very often at all - it snows from October - April and in the summer months its only the occasional thunder shower....so you don't really need rain gear.
I'm so tired. I need to go and do some laundry and make some lunch. This morning has been spent reading with Sam, and then he did some drawing and he played with the straws - those ones you build with......oh and he LOVED watching the truck come and pick up the big bin :)
1 day ago