Today we were invited to Val's house for breakfast...we got there at 10am and Val served us waffles with apple cinnamon or waffles with chocolate sauce....mmmmmmm they were sooooo good! Thank you Val!!! We'll be there tomorrow morning for more waffles ok??? I'll bring the whole family lol! Abigail and Sam tucked in too and Abigail LOVED them so much! :)
I got to see Vals new carpets at last! They look so great and what a difference they make to the whole house! And the colour in the family room is so nice - warm and cozy and just the kind of room you could curl up in on a cold day and watch tv or read....VERY nice :)
After breakfast, we scrapbooked at the table while Abigail worked on her 'all about me' poster for school....she probably won't be going back after Thanksgiving, but colouring in the poster kept her busy!
I got a few pages done - although each page still needs the journaling and title added.....but I'm happy that I worked on a few more pictures to go into an album!
Driving home, I saw that Hwy 14 had been closed between our road and RR 220 - a big accident - but by the time I was there it was almost closed and the two trucks were there...lots of police and the traffic going both ways was detoured via 512. I hope no one was hurt. I will watch the news later to see if it is mentioned.
I finally got my CK magazine in the mail today - LAST months!!! The new one is due out this week and yet today I finally got the last one! What on earth is the point of subscribing if you get it so late that you can't enter any contests or order any kits or anything? ggrrrrr
Susannah and Chris have gone to their friends home for the afternoon (today is early out at school) Laurence has been working on a diorama of black bears for a school project..he gets 5 extra marks if he takes it tomorrow so he has been busy.
Sam is playing with his bricks - which is all he ever does really lol!
Lloyd is leaving work soon and will call in to our builders for the latest copy of the plans for the extension.....we were meant to go yesterday and forgot as we were distracted by thoughts of finding a Goldie the fish lookalike!
Ok, I am tired, my back aches and ankle is still very bruised and sore from last nights run (I twisted it up on the field) so I am going to go and soak in the bath and read my new magazine until Lloyd gets home.
Four Square is on - I hate this show.....and it has the annoying songs on it that get stuck in your head! stupid weird men in blue doing weird dances and songs....and hopping and stuff - its bizarre....its even more bizarre than Toopy and Binoo with the nipples falling off!
OK - I need a bath - need to relax before I start dinner.
Have a great evening everyone! Thank you again for today Val!
1 day ago