You know.....sometimes I wonder how people get the ideas and thoughts they have...I know we are all free to have our own thoughts and minds but sometimes I wonder how people can be so closed minded and so judgmental of others.....todays topic in Current just saddens me....I am not going to get involved in that conversation on there but I am STUNNED by some of the thoughts people have on the subject.....
My thoughts? My heart goes out to that poor man who was obviously very distressed and scared....who didn't speak a word of English...who thought he was coming to a wonderful new life in Canada...who just wanted to see his Mom......who had arranged to meet her by the suitcase carousels....
10 hours TEN HOURS he was left there - his Mom the other side of glass doors kept asking for help and information and no one helped her.....the man was left alone ignored for soooo long and no one thought to get a translator on the phone, to get help or try to help with his distress.....
Its disgusting and very VERY sad and too late to make amends.....
I know everyone is free to see this story in their own way but my own opinion is that this family was let down by Canada in a VERY big way :( Canada should be ashamed. I know I am!
1 day ago