Last night was date night.....and aside from dinner we went to 'look' at new beds....we fell in love with the beds at the hotel in Whistler and neither of us have slept as well since coming we went Sleep Country and tried some out :) Fell in love with one and snapped it up as it was on sale :) It has the most amazing pillow top on it and was just so comfortable! It's coming on Friday yay! We still don't know what to do with our bed we have we are going to put it in the basement until we decide....
This morning we got up early and headed into town to see Samantha at parent link. Naomi was there! Naomi is British and I met her and her Mom at Parents Place a couple of years it was nice to see her and her little boy Levi (same age as Sam) and catch up with her news - she is finally taking her dirving test next month - so good luck Naomi!!!
Samantha introduced me to her friend Heather too....Heather is in Samanthas quiz night team at Oscars on Thursdays - Samantha has asked me to go along a few times but the timing has never been good. Samantha and I finally made a date for dinner though - I am taking her out for dinner next Friday - to Joeys Global :)
I was also chatting to Sandi...Sandi works with Erin at Regis and she has been cutting Lloyds hair since we came to Canada - she has a little boy a little younger than Sam who is just the cutest - he looks just like the little boy from Jerry Maguire!!!
The theme at Parentlink this week is 'The Five Senses' so we read a book about that and sang songs and the snack was aimed at testing your taste buds and the different parts of your tongue!
We left Parentlink around mid day and ran into Save-On for some more pomegranates - they are on sale right now as they are in season and the kids LOVE the juice AND the seeds - Susie took a bag of seeds to school in her lunch today :) They are so good for you!
Now we are home and I just ate lunch at the computer....Lloyd phoned to say his day is going good - Chris went to work with him for the day today as its 'Take Your Kid to Work Day'...IBM took them out to Sorrentino's for lunch!!! Chris says he wants to be a QA Manager now if thats the treatment they get every day! Lloyd gets taken out for lunch most days - tomorrow he is going to Lux with some other company!
The kids will be home soon and we are gong to curl up and watch Tuck Everlasting.....
Tonight I have to work on some letters for the Christmas party I am helping to organize.....
Tomorrow Lloyd finishes at lunchtime and is home all afternoon as we have some workmen coming over to check things out re the renovations - the furnace company is coming to service the furnace and they are also meeting with our builder to talk about how the air conditioning unit has to be moved etc when building work starts....
1 day ago