This morning started with me and Abby playing 'Snap' on the was a long game - just one game but it went on forever...I won in the end yay!!! I very rarely win games against Abigail lol!
Susannah was off school today as she had a doctors off we went into town...returned dvd's to the library, delivered some letters to various businesses about the Christmas party....then we headed to the Doctors. Loooooooooooooong wait!!! Then they showed us into the room and we were left to wait again! I hate having to wiat there - normally we don't ahve to wait, but today it took forever.
So Susie has to have an ultrasound and various blood tests done and some urinalysis tomorrow we head into town again for some of that!
After the Docs we went to Timmys for lunch - bagel and coffee for me and bagels and hot chocolate for the children....then we ran into Sobeys...
Home briefly and then I had to run out and grab Chris - he has been taking part in a two day training course about helping prevent bullying in schools....he was happy as they had refreshments provided all day so he didn't want dinner last. Today was the last day so I picked him up from school just now.....
Lloyd is finishing work just before 4pm and then we are going out for DATE NIGHT - woohoo.....tonight we are going to the farmers market and then to stroll around the two garden centres in town to see their Christmas displays...
Home early and to bed early again hopefully.
Thanks to Cheerios Babble, we knew it was Pickle Appreciation Day today - Susannah was thrilled so she went off into Sobeys to get a SMALL jar of pickles.....I swear she came back with biggest jar of pickles she could find lol! But they are all sat at the table right now appreciating their pickles :)
I treated myself to two - yes TWO Christmasy magazines today - I couldn't resist the things they had on their front covers...and one of course was Martha Stewart Living magazine...I HEART Martha Stewart...sad as that sounds lol - I watch her show every morning if I'm at home......It's always on while I potter about tidying my bedroom and getting me and Sam dressed....
Laurie just made me a gorgeous cup of tea....Abby is listening to her favourite Jesse McCartney singing on tv....Sam is playing with his trucks and some candy he got ina 'lucky bag' at the store......everyone is happy and getting along well and just enjoying being home - its a good day :)
Oh and Susie chose dinner for the kids tonight - Minestrone soup and crunchy bread rolls :) No idea what Lloyd and I will have...maybe just chilli at Timmys or something....
Off to relax with my tea and magazines for half an hour before I have to get ready for tonight :)
1 day ago