Monday morning....well actually afternoon but lets not get too specific here.....I feel sleepy and blah.....this room is just completely FULL of all the Christmas ornaments and decorations...two trees and just CHAOS!!!!!! I don't feel like doing any of it but I do want it all packed away before New Year.
The children are all busy playing...Chris and Abby baked the most delicious jam 'things' this morning....not sure what they are called - a little like hot jammy croissant things.....a recipe Chris learned at school. Delicious!!!
Lloyd got 10 of the lights we have for $15 yesterday!!! 10!!!!! So he is changing all the old fashioned nasty brassy things that were in the house when we moved in, into nice more modern (but in the style of the house) white lights...the kind that flies can't die in lol.....I won't have a nasty flowery lightshade full of dead flies in my bedroom any more...I swear you clean it out and wash it and five minutes later there are dead flies in there again lol - YUCK!!!
Lloyd is also trying to rescue a whole load of trees! He has been on the phone to the planning department today and hopes to get an answer soon. Basically they are building a new strip mall in town and where it is going there are LOTS of trees - mature firs and deciduous trees - gorgeous - but they will be bulldozing them all! So Lloyd is trying to find out if we can get a tree remover and move the trees instead - we would love to have them all! So hopefully we will be allowed to move them here to our land as soon as the weather allows! I hope they let us - such a shame to bulldoze them all :(
Well, I should get back to packing away all this Christmas stuff! We seem to have so much more to pack away this year! I didn't realise we had bought much this year but we needed extra plastic storgae tubs to put it all away.
I love New Year - I wonder what 2008 will hold for us all.......
1 day ago