So, we've been at home for two days because of the cold....and its been fine, but tomorrow I am planning to go about our normal Wednesday plans and just deal with the weather....the snow seems to have stopped for the most part - just flurries now and then. The main reason we've been at home though is because Sam has a bad cold....Lloyd seems to be coming down with it too - he fell asleep on me last night after complaining of a bad sore throat and feeling horrid......I upped my garlic intake today lol - I may stink lol but I won't get a cold :)
I just drove to get the mail as its too cold to walk with the children now. Some gifts I ordered for Lloyd had arrived - Lloyd is soooo easy to buy for this year......previous years I have struggled to think of much beyond dvd's and a watch...but this year he has new interests that have given me much more choice :) I am so excited to give him his gifts :) He gives us all so much during the year and rarely buys himself its nice to be able to spoil him with things I know he'll love :)
A parcel also arrived from Lloyds parents - some chocolates for the children for Christmas :)
I have been having a mass clear out of the closets here - last night at 9pm I had this urge to clean out the linen cupboard - and I have a huge sack full of bed linen, curtains etc etc to go to the thrift store.....
I also decluttered all my bedroom drawers and my closet :) I plan to do the girls closet this evening and take all their clothes with the bed linens to the thrift store....
The children did some painting today - the results are on the homeschooling blog.....and they have had a blast playing with bricks for much of the last two days.....those bricks were such a bargain - $10 total for all of them and they have played with them daily since we bought them in the Spring!
Right now Chris is playing soccer in the basement with Sam and Abby - burn up some energy from being housebound :) Susie is feeding the animals and Laurie is doing the dishwasher...Lloyd is on his way home via the dry cleaners...he was supposed to pick up his shirts yesterday but they hadn't arrived back at the store because of the he will get them today......
After reading Heathers Far North Inspirations blog, and having watched todays Oprah (at least part of it lol) I have decided I wnat to read Eat, Pray, I've asked Lloyd to see if he can find a copy in Save On.....if not I'll grab a copy tomorrow......I finally finished A Recipe For Bees (FABULOUS book that I now plan to send to my Mom to read) and now have no book to read! Lloyd says I have several thousand (lol) bookshelves of books to read but he just doesn't understand ;)
Tomorrow on Oprah, Mitch Albom is going to be on talking about the movie of his book 'For One More Day'....wonderful book........
If you could spend just ONE more day with someone you have lost...who would it be and what would you do/ say?
1 day ago