This morning Lloyd and I had to go over to the West End to pick out taps and sinks for the new kitchen. We've chosen a lovely chunky white apron sink (which is basically what they call a farmhouse sink). We also chose a white sink for the island. We've chosen taps for both those sinks and also a tap to go above the stove top - I think they call it a pan filler tap - it basically comes out of the wall and is just to fill saucepans :)
We also went to West Ed Mall for a while as I needed new underwear and some new jeans and clothes in SMALLERS SIZES!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!! The girl in Reitmans said not to feel bad if the jeans don't fit in the smaller size because that rise is often cut smaller....but they DID fit :) and they are sooooo comfortable :) and they will even loosen up when they get worn :) she only had one pair left so I'm going to look in town to see if they have more.....Oh I love these tablets :)
This afternoon I have been reading up on bees again - my latest obsession! Lol! Lloyd printed off a free E-book on beekeeping for me from Penn State Uni. I've also been surfing Youtube and there are some amazing videos about beekping and bees in general....
On one of the videos it said that one beekeeper who keeps bees for a loving gets paid by a pumpkin farmer $27,000 to provide 12,000,000 bees to pollinate his crops for 6 weeks!!!! He requires each flower to be visited approximately 30 times!!!
So you need a lot of bees to make money with bees BUT as a farmer you need a lot of bees to visit your crops!!!
So thats my day :)
All in all it's been a good week. Date night was at OPM this week :) It was a fun evening - cheap night actually - we were in no hurry as we were just there to chat and be together - but they forgot to put my salmon on the grill and our server was too nervous to come and tell us so he got the manager to come and tell us - lol! He came and apologised and he said my dinner was on him!!! :) so that was nice :)
Really we wanted to go to Joeys Global but there was a 35 minute wait for a table and we couldn't be bothered to wait - whereas at OPM there was no wait. I'm never that impressed with the food there but then to me nothing ever compares to Joeys. We had a lovely evening though.
Wednesday we went swimming - that was fun....
We were out every day this week...can't think what else we were up to but it's been a busy week all round! Fun yet busy!
Thursday I was home for a while during the day - I signed Sam up for a preschool class that he starts next week and I signed both he and Abby up for some workshops in Edmonton at various facilities between now and the summer. I am so loving that Winter is over.
Oh and this week we ordered my hive - and my bees :) I'm 247th on the waiting list for bees but because I only want one package they say they are confident that I will get mine - I should find out for sure on Monday or so......I'm hopeful. I think Lloyd is excited now too - he's even talking about having two hives next year! He wants one at the front next year and one at the back!!!! Too funny!
Last night was online crop night at Scrappers Haven.....I scrapped one page of Abigail and added a little to my atc's - I've also signed up for another atc swap - this time I have to make atc's of my 'hottie'....I had to pick a hottie but I couldn't think of one...and then I had a revelation! I picked MATT GOSS!!!!!! My 'hottie' from when I was 16!!!!
Not sure what we are up to tomorrow - think we may take a drive out to Elk Island Park. Off to dish up dinner - lasagna with Rosemary and Olive Oil wedges :)
1 day ago