Jennifer...are you impressed????? Lol - it's not quite my Mom and Dads greenhouse lol - or Lois Holes lol! But this is where my seedlings are, in my front window where they get light from about 11am onwards and LOTS of humidity.....if thats not enough we can add a light too as I have one upstairs I can add (my SAD light may as well get used for something lol). Let me know what you think....will it work? Will it be humid enough in the house? Warm enough? Light enough? This is the only place we can put them as the basement won't work as if I can't see them I will forget about them (tried that) the garage is heated but poor light and again I am likely to forget them. Last year we used the kitchen but this year that is not possible for long because building work may my front room with the sunlight most of the day and where the computer is, is our only choice....
Everything but the tomatoes are planted now - so I have to get those done in the next couple of days.....