Ok here are my ten things:
1. I buy lipsticks now and then....and I sometimes even put lipstick on if we are going out somewhere special...I may even make it to the end of our driveway with the lipstick still on...but then I will have to take out a kleenex and WIPE THAT YUCKY STUFF OFF because I HATE the feel of lipstick...I hate lip gloss and lip balm too. I even hate it when Sam and Abby put lip balm on and then come and kiss me....they love to do ths - they put fruity lip balm on and then come to give me a big kiss and you just can't say no to that can you?????? but it's yucky because I hate that yucky coated feeling on my lips and I have to wipe it off straight away. But I still occasionally buy lipstick. And for some reason always in almost the very same colour. This horrid kind of cappuccino colour......
2. I love bubble baths - I use about half a bottle of bubble bath in one bath. I get through a LOT of bubble bath - I throw in half a bottle of bubble bath and I even add shampoo and liquid soap to the mix too.....The bubbles are often pouring over the sides by the time I get in....I love it...I just love bubbles. Half way through I tend to pour in more bubble bath when I add more hot water. I don't have baths to get clean - I shower to get clean - baths are for relaxing and they just aren't the same without bubbles - so even with Lush products I add bubble bath to make more bubbles...
Sam loves sharing a bath with me because he practically disappears under the bubbles :)
3. I have a thing about spiral bound notebooks.....I have a drawer full of them. I find them hard to resist. Lloyd knows this and often surprises me with them from work. Staples is like spiral bound notebook heaven....so is Zellers at back-to-school time! The problem is that I rarely use them...I use the little ones but the big ones I rarely use because I don't like to spoil them. So I have this huge drawer full that I will use 'one day' but that day never seems to arrive.......they don't even have to be pretty or have special covers....but some of the ones Lloyd gets at work have these plastic pockets in the back that you can put things in - and wow those just make me go crazy :)
4. I can pop a ping pong ball out of my you-know-what :)
5. I quite like going to Home Depot now and then - sometimes they have interesting things to look at - but today I realised that six times in one week is JUST TOO MUCH and I very nearly LOST IT!!!!!! In the UK they have craft sections in Home Decor stores - they need to do that here - I could have been looking round the scrapbooking section while Lloyd was picking plumbing supplies!
6. My Venus is unaspected in my birth chart. This means:
You are cheerful, prepossessing, and primarily attuned to that which is pure, lovely, and of good report. You possess a childlike artlessness and naturalness, not because you are naive about what life is "really like," but because you have an uncompromising determination to enjoy yourself and to keep your spirits high, come what may. You know in your heart that life's rewards and pleasures are right there for the taking; you don't put a morass of complications (like feelings of guilt, shame, or lack of worth) in the path of your desires, but rather reach out unabashedly to take whatever you want from life without any need for coyness or pretense. You are open to receive from others (rather than impelled by a need to grab from them, as aspected Venus is) because you are moved by a genuine playfulness. You don't bog yourself down in tricky power manipulations since your only interest in other people is to feel good. If something isn't fun, or can't be made to be fun, then you don't much bother with it.
7. I have an addictive personality I'm sure. I love drugs. I love sleeping tablets - that woozy feeling when they start to kick in.....like alcohol before you start to feel ill. I am obsessional about things before I get bored too. I avoid commitment because I know I get bored easily. I love the obsessional part but once I get over that stage I know I will get bored very easily and won't be interested in the slightest. The only way to keep my interest is if the results are instantaneous. I guess thats why Lloyd and my blog have survived the test of time lol! Sometimes a fresh way of looking at something revives an old interest.....or I have to be cajoled into it...or the change of season pushes me into seeing it with new eyes again....
8. I don't see the point of the parents evenings at school/ meet the teacher nights or whatever they call them here. I think they are a waste of time. I hate them. Its this week and I probably won't bother going and the teachers will probably think we are shitty parents - in fact I KNOW they have asked my Son why we don't go (he told her I was scared I'd be struck by lightening when I walk in the door because I'm Atheist) I think schools suck to be honest. Most teachers piss me off. There have been very few of my childrens teachers that I have actually liked. Most of them have had attitude that I just couldn't STAND!!!!!
9. I make lists about everything...but not shopping lists. I very rarely make shopping lists - and when I do I forget to take them. But I do make lists about things I want to do - plans I have for Summer, letters I want to write to people, things I want to blog, crafts to do with the children, books to read, facts to remember, questions to answer, websites to check out.......
10. I am not very good at remembering things. I am terribly unorganized - hopeless to be honest! I really should have a calendar or diary..but I'm not organized enough to have one! But I am VERY good at remembering to put the enzymes down the toilet each week for the septic system :) and a good job too because Lloyd would NEVER remember :) He never remembers to de-clog the salt from the distiller!!! I am the enzyme Queen :) But yuck - enzymes smell like fish :(