I think some bugger has toilet papered my yard!!!!! All of it!!! Every last inch!!!! The whole $#@*(&%$#@ 16.08 acres is covered in white toilet paper!!!!!
Well, it had better bloody be toilet paper because if it's bloody snow I swear I am going to go insane!!!!!!
Lloyd is right this second on his blackberry to his friend finding out where in Kelowna his friend lives - he wants to move!!!! He's had enough!!!!
We were going to spend all weekend doing Spring clean up - tidying up the yard, picking up the garbage that shows up after all the snow clears away.....picking up the dog poop, moose poop and pig poop that shows up after the snow clears........setting up the chairs around the fire pit......burning things that had collected that could be burned......just being outside tidying the yard up..........getting the acreage looking nice for visitors.......we had NO snow left really - and it had all melted sooooo slowly that it looked as though we were not even going to get the big flood that we get most years!!! (Although we were a little sad about that as we had bought kits to make boats for the kids so we could build them and then float them on the melt water.....patches of the brown grass were starting to green up in odd places too!!!! and the children were out most days playing soccer and riding their bikes!!!!! It was lovely!
Now the whole acreage looks nice and clean and sparkling white.......under what I am really hoping is a layer of TOILET PAPER!!!!!!!