Last night Laurences friends phoned to ask him to sleep over. They are 12 years old. They have had 5 friends sleep over this week. This is common in their house. Laurie sleeps over there most weekends.....they often have a crowd of kids sleeping there.....
Anyway this week is a little different. Their Dad had a heart attack! I thought I was hearing things! They phoned to ask Laurie to sleep over oh and by the way our Dad had a heart attack! He's home though and doing ok!
So Laurence asks if he can sleep over!!!!
I'm sorry but I don't think it's appropriate or FAIR for kids to be sleeping over there right now!!!!!! Ideally I would have said the boys could have slept here instead but they already have other kids sleeping over at their house!!!!!!
Is it only me that thinks that is odd????? Why would their parents say that is ok? Wouldn't the Dad want peace and quiet??????
Oh well......that aside....It was a good chance to sit down with my kids and talk to them about the dangers of smoking. The boys parents are YOUNG - very young to have heart attacks! They are about 40!!!!! They are slim, they are active - they hang out at the golf club in Summer and the Father works in a car repair centre - so they are active parents - BUT they are both HEAVY I wanted my children to understand that this played a BIG role in the Dads heart attack - yes genetics may have had a part etc etc but heavy smoking MUST have had a part in it!!!!
I know they are just kids but I wanted them to see that they will be 40 before they know it and I don't want them to start smoking.
Chris said something along the lines of how he is the younger generation and his generation isn't stupid - they don't smoke!
Hahahahahahah - my Nephew Daniel is the same generation - well he smokes!!!!!! So Daniel I think your cousin just called you stupid!!!!! And I explained that maybe his friends NOW don't smoke but come High school maybe they will - and maybe now Laurie doesn't smoke but in a couple of years Lauries friends might start copying their parents and I don't want Laurie copying his friends......
Early Forties is far far FAR too young for a heart attack :(
2 days ago