It seems so funny still to wave your teenaged Son off on the bus and watch him head off to the big city to high school!
Chris headed into downtown Edmonton this afternoon. He has met Lloyd at work and they are heading to his Highschool to register for the classes he wants for his first Semester at Victoria school. I will soon have a Son in highschool!
I chatted to my Mom on the phone earlier and she was speaking to Chris before me. She was saying how different he sounds compared to last Summer - how grown up - how his voice has broken and he just sounds different all together. He is different! He is so much taller....a different shape all together - physically so very different! But he is just such a different very mature.
He of course drive me crazy at times.....he always puts my drivers seat on air conditioning when he gets in the car - he thinks this is hilarious because it makes my seat FREEZING cold - in fact it feels as though I have peed myself and I don't notice for a while - to a 15 year old this is soooo funny!
Tomorrow he has more filming to do for the movie he is making - he has arranged for a teacher to stay late and supervise! He has all the students staying late to take part - he has actors and make up artists and studio hands and scene people and all the others involved - and he of course is directing (lol) - and they all do as he says - it's hilarious really! This little guy - second smallest in his class and they all do as he says!!!! I wonder where he gets that from!!! ;)
A few weeks ago Chris headed to his audition full of nerves and worried about spending time he headed off full of confidence...he'd 'been there, done that''s 'old hat'.......he found Lloyd, they got a coffee and a bagel each and headed to the school......soon this will be a daily occurrence for him and just a boring part of school life :)
I think this new step will be so great for him :)
1 day ago