Apr 7, 2008

I'm NOT going insane!!!!!


Thank goodness!! Other people have had coughs with Topamax and coughing too!!! The Pharmacists have all said it isn't a side effect! Doctors too! I thought it was still from the flu just lingering....or allergies from snow mold.....or perhaps asthma starting....or something else....

I've had this cough for months - since bing on these tablets - but I also had that weird flu like thing around the same time so it could ahve been from that....

But others have had a cough from these tablets too :)

Thats ok! I am NOT stopping these tablets - my migraines are so much better and I like the side effects of loss of appetite ;) the cough is annoying to me and others but...oh well ;)

Actually turns out there is quite a lot of info on coughing and Topamax - I should have just looked before instead of listening to the Pharmacist and Docs....I normally look for myself but this time I never got around to it!

Ok - anyway - we just got back from Costco...going to make my wonderful husband a cup of tea then we are off to bed!

Jennifer I am glad to see you got home safely! It was great to meet you :)

Sharon take it easy!

Val - yes I'd love you to come with me Wednesday if you can!

Goodnight everyone!

Tomorrow my youngest child starts preschool! OMG!!!
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