Last night I checked the forecast and it said 80% chance of 10cm of snow last night and today!!!!!! OMG!!!! NO WAY!!!!!
Tess is coming out today and I thought for sure she'd have to cancel....I thought we were fated to never meet as we have tried to meet up for months for various things!
But we woke to no snow :) and no fog :)
So yay! With luck all is well and Tess can still come and visit for a while :)
My truck is in today for some work - the pedal thingy that moves up and down is being fixed. Lloyd is tall and I am NOT tall....and the thing that moves the gas and brake pedals up and up and down for us won't move them up for me any more so that is being fixed today...and the air bag light is on so they are checking that!
The truck is all paid off now and is officially ALL MINE isn't it typical that things start happening now hahahahaha! but by tonight all should be well :) and Lloyd is buying the extended warranty thingy too :) JUST IN CASE ;) and that covers road side assistance too.
We finally decided to check out the hardwood floors under the disgusting grotty carpets in our bedrooms...and they are lovely polished hardwood this weekend -as well as being outside enjoying the GORGEOUS +20c temperatures...we will be inside ripping out carpets!!!!! Why on earth would people put disgusting carpet over lovely hardwood???? So next week I will go and look for a nice rug for the bedroom....but the FUGLY carpet will be gone with its nasty stains that won't come out EEEEEEWWWWWWWW :(
Homeschool park days in Sherwood Park may be starting next week which is good - they have them every summer here - all year long in Edmonton but only in Summer in Sherwood park as there is nowhere indoors to have them at the park. Abigail will enjoy that! I will have to check with Jennifer if she is going or whether the library sessions are continuing as Abigail will want N to be there I am sure....
I should go and shower and get dressed.....
Sharon - good luck at your check up today m'deary :)
1 day ago