My lovely Clematis didn't make it through the winter, buy my Scarlet Honeysuckle did really well and has grown lots of new shoots, so I think I am going to get several new ones this year and grow them up the new porch this Summer. The Hummingbirds love them! As you can see the new leaves are almost out!
By the way - you should have your Hummingbird feeders out now if you want to tempt the Hummingbirds to your gardens to stay for the Summer as they are passing by. This is the time they arrive!
Look out for the little birds around now :)
To make the syrup to go inside your deer simply use 1 part sugar to 4 parts water and heat (do not boil) until the sugar dissolves. Allow to cool. Fill the feeders. DO NOT ADD RED DYE!!!!!!! Use a red feeder instead - the bottle can be clear thats fine - add red ribbons if you like :) There doesn't even have to be much red on the feeder itself :) Just a red flower is enough :) My feeders are cream and green with red and pink flowers but my Hummers love them :)