I can't believe the weekend is over :( How come three day weekends go so fast? Lloyd woke me up this morning with coffee and at least he was able to have coffee with me before he left for work :(
Our weekend was kind of all over the place because of the kids.....we thought we had set plans but then the kids plans kept changing so our plans kept changing. Luckily there was nothing we had to do at set times so it all worked out in the end and we managed to do everything we wanted to to do :)
Laurence spent most of the weekend (two nights) in town at his friends home and went to see Prince Caspian at the movies. We went to the funfair at Millwoods. Chris went to the cinema with a friend and the funfair with us....he also got his phone and was happy....
Lloyd and I did gardening, did the hive inspections on the bees, lots of relaxing, nice walks with the dogs, playing outside, went to Dairy Queen where I was VERY bad and had a Brownie Earthquake and enjoyed every mouthful thank you very much :) I can eat it guilt free when the rest of the day I barely eat lol. Last night Lloyd made me weetabix at 10pm because we realised I hadn't had enough to eat during the day. These tablets are so weird.
Yesterday Val and her lovely family came over for a while. I hope they had as good a time as we did! The children always play so well together! A little too well together sometimes - in the end they ended up having a big water fight - thankfully just as the evening wrapped up and it was home time! Laurence got dropped in the pool fully clothed (twice! Two different outfits) and then Vals Son T did!!) but they were all good sports!!! We had the firebowl going (thankfully the fire ban allows fires within special firebowls that have lids) so we were able to have Smores - and we had some yummy desserts too......
I promised Val some plants for her garden and said to bring a large container.....of course her idea of large and my idea of large are completely different hahahahaha and the amount of day lilies I gave her would NOT fit in her containers.....(or her garden I am thinking lol and James was asking WHERE are we going to put all these??????
The kids were playing on the bikes and basketball and we sat around the firebowl chatting and it was just a nice relaxing evening :) Thanks Val and James for coming over :)
Poor J (Vals Daughter) ended up having an asthma attack last night though brought on from allergies maybe from the trees in the area and the smoke etc so that meant a hospital visit. She's doing better this morning thankfully! But we send her lots of love and get well wishes!!!!
And so today is a work day and a school day here. Laurence isn't at school as he had a migraine this morning - too many late nights at his friends house mixed in with a change in the weather - theres a low coming in - maybe some thunder storms this evening and some rain coming in tomorrow after all this hot weather we have had over the weekend.....so he is home for the day. Sam is full of either a cough and cold or allergies from all the trees and blossom that is finally out there, so he isn't at preschool today.
So after I finish catching up with my blog I plan to relax and finish my book 'The Secret Life of Bees' which has taken me ages to read - FANTASTIC book (thanks Heather for recommending it) I just never seem to have much time once the good weather is here.
I hope you all had a great weekend.
1 day ago