Monday - Abby had drama. Sat and chatted with Sandy...briefly with Jennifer who invited us to Nualas birthday party next week - Abby is thrilled! Sandy and I were discussing what plans we have for schooling next year - she is thinking about going traditional next year with her boys. I'm thinking the same with Abigail again...although we had considered going fully aligned with EIPS....but they have annoyed me so now I think I may go with THEE....Monday night there was running around but I can't remember what.
Tuesday - Sam had preschool - he made a Fathers Day gift for Lloyd :) While he was there, Abby and I went out for ice cream :) I was chatting to a friend of mine there and w were talking about the hummingbirds - we were saying how they were here for two weeks and then vanished and neither of us have seen them a week or so.....with the bad weather and everything we wonder if they have moved further north or south....but they have't stayed around here :( she was telling me about her cruise she won and how she has decided to take her Son with her instead of her Daughter.
In the evening Lloyd took Chris to an optometry appointment and Rosie to the vets to have her staples removed. Laurie went to his friends for the evening.
Last night Lloyd and I competed against each other at Jenga on my Nintendo DS. I got the game at the weekend and I love it :)
Today I have been at home. Sharon was going to come over but sadly her Daughter isn't well so we have postponed. Probably a good thing as I am feeling a bit unsociable anyway!! I have pottered about and cleaned upstairs - vacuumed. Sorted out a big box of homeschooling supplies for next year - worksheets and folders, workbooks etc etc. I got through a lot of laundry and washed a lot of bedding as the washing machine/ dryer have to be moved tomorrow for the flooring guys that are coming.
Played some games with Abby - one of them was so much fun as it was an action board game - so each square you land on makesd you get up and do something - jumping up and down or shouting things out. I kept getting sent back to the same square where I had to shout out my favourite marine animal again and again!!! Abby had to keep jumping three times again and again and then she had to make mosquito noises :) It was fun!!!
Sam was trying to play Spanish bingo on his own for some weird reason!!!
Abigail did her usual work this morning and Sam busied himself with his plane building and fuzzy felts which he has been in to the last few days. He and Abby spent part of the morning building a fort on the bunkbeds too - they love doing that - they get blankets out of the linen closet and hang them around the beds to create a magical fort and then they play in there for much of the day :)
After school was out at 2pm I drove Chris to the school to collect the carnival game he built last week and then I took him to his friends house to study. Now the kids are taking the dogs for a walk.
Oh and we had a surprise this morning - a squirrel sat on the big rock! Our first ever squirrel here! We don't have any spruce trees apart from little ones we have planted here, so we don't have squirrels here - so this was a first! I didn't get a picture as I wasn't fast enough so I hope it comes back! We were thrilled! Abby and Sam spotted it from the bedroom window :)
Chris got a welcome package from his new school today and has been invited to a few events during the summer so he is looking forward to that! He got his list of classes for the first semester too!
Tonight would have been date night but we are in town for so many appointments this week that we just want a quiet night at home tonight :) I think we may take the dogs for a walk together though just for some together time instead :)
1 day ago