My Peony has come back well and now we have to move it. This flower bed has to be dug up and flattened and turned back to lawn so the peony can't stay here. I know they don't like to be moved so I hope it does well. The flower bed is a mess because it is half dug up from me removing all the day lilies for Val! It's all being moved because I'm getting rid of the flower beds totally and we are redoing the front porch and not having flower beds there at all. Hence all the long grass and weeds!!
This peony seems to be pretty tough and it has survived Charlie chewing on it and moose chewing on it - it disappears to NOTHING every year and sprouts from the ground every year - a couple of weeks ago it was nowhere to be found and then it sprouted from the ground and SHOT up to what you can see now.....almost over night!!!! I tell you, the plants here in Alberta AMAZE me...and in just a few weeks the flowers will open and will be STUNNING. I love watching the ants eat open the flowers. Such a shame its not a bee friendly flower. This one has deep red double bloom flowers. I worry every year that it won't grow back but it does!