Susannahs Lupin seems to grow constantly! The bees LOVE it! I think I will buy a lot of these next year - I love them - the leaves are as stunning as the flowers! They look gorgeous in the rain!
Lloyd and I had to run to Costco today so we also went to Greenlands for coffee and I bought a few more perennials for my flower garden. I love buying a few each weekend and adding to my garden - it's coming together nicely and I know it won't look perfect this year - and probably not next year, but it's coming together - and considering that we only dug it up this Spring and just a few weeks ago it was a pile of mud and nothing more really, I'm proud of what we've done to it :) I know what I want to do with it, so this year is really about sorting it out and bringing it together and next year will be about rearranging it and seeing what survives and where the spaces are and what I need to get and what needs to go where.
I'd also like a bird bath in there somewhere.The Goldfinches spend a lot of time in there and I think they'd like a birdbath - and maybe a birdfeeder in there too. I'll have to remove the bird bath in winter of course.