At last Susannahs Lupin 'Loopy' has a flower growing in the centre! It's going to be beautiful! I didn't think it was going to flower this year but it will! It's going to be a stunner too!!! :) I'm thrilled for Susannah as this is the plant she chose from Greenlands :)
On a sad note - my Peony isn't doing well since we moved it - I think we lost half of it - It was actually in three parts at the root and two parts will be ok but one part ()sadly the largest part) is dying. I actually cut the blooms off of that part and have them in water inside hoping they will still open inside the way Martha opens hers..maybe the other two thirds of the peony will be ok and come back next year. I knew they didn't like to be moved - maybe I'll buy another next year - we had no choice but to move them - we have to remove the flower beds they were in. Sad though...they were stunning.....obviously quite mature....I bet my neighbour hates me lol (she lived in this house and probably planted them.....she has already asked me to have all the daylilies back lol and here am I giving them to Val!!!! lol! Well thats my sweet revenge for them selling off MY land lol! ;)