We had a wonderful day at Fort Edmonton yesterday
it's such a nice place to spend a day :) The weather started off cool but soon warmed up and by the end of the day we were all hot - turns out it's going to be a gorgeous week which is good :) Luckily the gloomy start to the day meant the crowds stayed away so the park was lovely and quiet.
We bought an annual pass so we're heading back in September - Lloyd has a week off at the beginning of September so we'll go back then and see what they have going on for Fall...and the pass will still be valid when Lloyds parents are here next Summer. For $80 it means you only have to go twice and it's already paid for itself!
Best of all, I got to try Bannock for the very first time - I have heard all abut it so many times before - Susie has always loved it and Val has always told me how her children LOVE it and so FINALLY I got to try some and find out why people rave about it :)
And yes - I LOVE it too :) MMmmmmmmm it was yummy - had raisins in it and a little icing sugar on it I think....and I think it had wholewheat flour in it? Anyway it was a kind of a bread but slightly sweet.