Our garden is doing well - a lot better than I thought it was going to do! Our tomatoes are doing soooo great!!!! The tomatoes are still quite green so they aren't ready yet but when they redden up we will have soooooo many!!! I can't wait :)
We have had so many strawberries now and the kids LOVE them - they don't make it to the house still - we have a tap by the garden and they egt washed there and eaten straight away :) yummy :)
Broccoli is doing great :) Radishes did sooooo great :)
My golden beets are doing well!
Lloyds lettuce are doing well and the carrots are doing great!
Sams peas are doing great! You can see all the little peas in the pods and that is just sooooo cute! I can't wait for Sam to be able to eat them straight from the pod :)
Our pumpkins are doing GREAT!!!!! :)
I have some sunflowers coming up all over the place but not as many as I had hoped so I want to try the clay method next year.
Our raspberries didn't do as well as we had hoped but the children happily enjoy our wild raspberry bushes on the trails through the woods.