Today is Labour Day...the official end of Summer here in Canada and a Bank Holiday.
Tomorrow school starts.
To celebrate the holiday, we invited our good friends Val and James over with their wonderful family for lunch! Lunch is good because the kids can have a blast - we can all have fun and still have time to calm down and get everyone sorted and showered and into bed early ready for back to school tomorrow. Or at least thats the plan ;)
Anyway, we had a lovely day - so thank you Val and family for coming over! I think everyone had a fun time - I know I did! We had a Labour Day Egg Hunt!!!! Weather was sure better than it was at Easter (lol). The Egg hunt was all through the back field and along the trails through the woods which was a nice walk for the little ones :)
We also had a fire and the kids made Smores and roasted marshmallows. We had burgers and hotdogs and had a salad and a lovely Mango and something or other mousse dessert.....
Kayla wanted to see in the hives and taste the honey so we did that and I took the opportunity to combine the hives so I only have one hive now - I added Flora/ Fauna onto Freya.
The weather was lovely - not too windy (although the silly breeze kept changing direction lol) and it was lovely and sunny and warm so it was perfect :)
It was a lovely way to end Summer!!! :)
Unfortunately I can't post some of the lovely pictures I have of Vals family, so you'll have to make do with the ones of my crew ;) and one of the back of Vals little Guys head ;)