So Wednesday is here.....yesterday I was out chatting with the workmen...Denis was telling me his wife is sick. (his name is French so you don't pronounce the S) She is a migraine sufferer too and is on Maxalt like me.....she was in hospital on Friday and he had to leave early because of it.....not good :( PVC or something which is worrying but she is a nurse and was at work which is a VERY good thing as she was in the right place! So we were talking about migraines etc.......I was telling them about how I often call them all the names under the sun when I have a migraine and they are banging about outside lol! They were laughing and making jokes......It was sooo windy out yesterday 70km winds.
Sam had pre-k yesterday and while he was there I had to go and get the groceries that we couldn't get on Monday night. Stupidstore had quite a bit missing Monday night. So I ran to Costco and Save-On (because I couldn't be bothered to go far). I don't like shopping in stores I don't know though and found I was zig-zagging all around the store to find things. I bought Chris two bags of White Rabbit candies (not that he really deserves them lol) only to find out they've been recalled because of the melamine scares in China...sigh....and he's taken them to school today :( so Lloyd has texted him to tell him to quit eating them.......oops! They're his favourite candy! He won't be happy :(
Oh and when Sam walked into Pre-K yesterday the first thing he told his teacher was that he had 'moved into Moms bedroom'....OMG!!!! His teacher looked at me with a puzzled yet interested look! Lol! I laughed and told her things were chaotic at home....and then once I had settled Sam in class I did explain that my husband was STILL in the bedroom with me and that having a three year old in the room was the better choice over a moody 15 year old joining us lol - because Chris had moved into Sams room for a while during the renovations!!! Once she understood that, all was well ;) Oh and Sams other teacher has also read the Twilight books - this leads Lloyd to believe that every woman on the planet has read these books lol - but like I say, every sensible woman on the planet has read them ;) hahahahaha ;)
The girls had dance last night - Tuesday is STRESS night - dance and library (the mobile library is outside of dance classes and it used to be fine as the girls classes were at the same time but THIS year Susies class is after Abigails class so we are running backwards and forwards all evening and its annoying :( We take Abby then go to the library with Susie then come home. Susie gets ready we go and take her and get Abby, take Abby to the library and Sam, then come home. Then go back later for between we do lunches, tidy up after Abigails reading and anything else that needs doing......and if anyone else wants to go to the library they can....probably doesn't sound THAT stressful to most people but I don't DO stress well - and we choose NOT to do running about after activities etc so for me this is STRESS! Still the girls love it and its just once a week and they like the library too :) After that I soaked in the bath and read Eclipse and then got in bed and read while Lloyd snuggled next to me and watched Iron Man that I surprised him with yesterday.
Tonight I am out for dinner with Tess! Yay!
1 day ago