Plans keep changing on me - this past weekend all my plans got changed and now today all my plans have changed. Sam ended up being sick all night so Lloyd has taken the day off to take Chris to his dental appointments. Chris has to have two teeth extracted today - and he can NOT miss the appointment because he's on a schedule and has to have two MORE extracted next week and then the following week has to have his braces fitted at the orthodontist so if he misses todays appointment the whole schedule is messed up. So I stay home with Sam who is sick and has to miss Pre-K, and Lloyd is taking Chris to his appointment.
Wall-E comes out on dvd today and Lloyd wants to pick it up. we are disagreeing on whether we should watch it today or put it away for Christmas. I think it should be put away for Sam for Christmas. Lloyd says we should watch it TODAY. I was going to win. But now Sam is sick I KNOW I will lose. Sigh......
So Lloyd is off on Friday too which makes this a three day week. And last week was a four day thats nice.
So I am stuck at home today instead of my very busy day that I did have planned - rushing about in town and getting some Christmas shopping done as well as the dental appointments and taking Sam to Pre-K, and dance and library tonight..
So on my to do list today instead:
address and package up all the packages and Christmas cards to go to the UK as they all have to go next week.
Package up the next set of packages to go to the girls we sponsor.
continue my writing course work - some of which you saw yesterday in a blog post ;)
Start my nature atc's for the addicted to atc group swap
This of course is as well as snuggling up with a sick little boy while his Daddy is out - when Daddy is home he just wants Daddy!
1 day ago