As if they haven't been through enough, Tara from who just weeks ago lost her home and all it's contents to a housefire, has spent the last day or so going back and forth to the Stollery Childrens Hospital at the U of A, with her Daughter. As many of you know, her Daughter has Cystic Fibrosis. 'K' had stomach flu and was vomiting and had terrible stomach pains and was rushed in with a bowel obstruction. She was given IV meds that seemed to help and was allowed home but last night became ill again and went back in. I believe this morning she is back in again on Doctors advice!!
This family has been through SOOOOOOOOOOO much this year - endless hospital stays, the house fire and now this.....please keep them in your thoughts as I'm not sure how much more they can take. If you have time please drop by Tara's blog and leave a few words of support! I know those words mean a lot to Tara when she has time to read them!
22 hours ago