1 day ago
Nov 21, 2008
Meteor over Edmonton yesterday!!!
Lloyd and Chris saw a flash over Edmonton on their way home form work yesterday. Chris came in and told me that they had heard on the radio that it was a suspected meteor!! So we put the tv on and sure enough they were saying it was a suspected meteor over Edmonton but they have no idea where it had landed and it had been seen in the sky all across Alberta and as far away as Saskatchewan!! Luckily some people caught it on camera but we didn't see these until this morning! Cool huh? Lloyd and Chris were lucky enough to see a little bit of history! :) I'm impressed but Lloyd isn't! I think it's very X-File-ish but of course Lloyd is all depressing and pessimistic (I tend to be Tiggerish and he is all Eeyore-ish lol) and he says it's more like Armageddon!!! hahahahaha)