I can't sleep. I've been up most of the night chatting online to Lloyd. Thank gawd for wireless internet that I can sit in bed and chat on the laptop in comfort. He was on his iphone typing as he was driving (ggrrrr) typing while he was eating breakfast in a cafe (not fair) and going about his day and is now on his way to my parents.....
I don't know how people do this - cope with husbands who work away - especially on different time zones. Like Charlynn whose DH is away....my heart goes out to you! I am so grateful that Lloyd will be back in a few days. This is killing me. I want my husband back. I miss him. I really miss him :( I miss holding his hand. I miss the way he warms me up when I'm cold. I miss talking to him face to face. I miss his smile, his laugh. His hugs. I miss his shoulders. I miss the way he calls me baby all the time. I don't think he ever uses my name.
I miss the sound of him putting his glasses on the bedside table. The sound of his breathing.
Daytime is ok because I can pretend he's gone to work, but at night it's horrible because he isn't here :( to talk to to be with, to hold.
I miss you Lloyd.
1 day ago