Sam had Pre-K, Abigail and I went swimming and for the first hour there were more lifeguards around the pool than there swimmers IN the pool :) it was wonderful! Last week the pool was crowded with school kids, today it was empty and we were able to enjoy the waves, the slides, the lazy river - and the hot tub :)
Tonight Susannah has dance class - the last rehearsal before she dances for the Mayor on Saturday at the Valentine Open House at Salisbury Greenhouses. She's very excited. Abigail isn't at her class tonight.
Lloyd and I plan to relax and watch Enchanted. Lloyds prepping some paperwork for taxes and I'm prepping some work for Abigail.
We picked the colour for the kitchen tonight.
I finished my whimsey jar - just waiting for it to dry before I photograph it and can't wait to show my 'muse' Stacey :) Yes, I have a 'whimsey muse'........the only thing I'm disappointed with is that I didn't paint high up the neck enough so when the lid is on you can still see clear glass - so I need to do 'something' about that (ie sneak back to Staceys and use some more of her turquoise paint lol).
Kitchen work continues...poor Denis..he came into the kitchen this morning as he could hear me yelling...he said 'Good morning' in his sing-song French accent and I started yelling at him! 'No it isn't! It ISN'T GOOD morning - it's just MORNING - there's no GOOD about it!!!' hahahaha! " I can't find anything in this stupid kitchen - I can find the coffee, but I can't find the stupid coffee filters, so you can only have instant coffee" and he laughed and said "we're here and we're alive so its a good morning" and then he said "It's my fault you can't find anything so I will have the instant because it's my fault" and then he laughed!
It's good that Denis knows I am not a morning person and he understands my sense of humour ;)
I eventually found the coffee filters in a completely separate cupboard from everything else!!! Why???? WHY???? Is Lloyd playing games with my mind????? hahahahaha ok this kitchen reno is going to drive me insane!!! The oven is like miles away from any counters and the sink has no counter to one side and it turns out the old dishwasher has been leaking underneath for two weeks since Lloyd tried to remove it! And we have everything we use crammed onto one tiny counter and what is left of the cupboard and the hamster...
The HAMSTER....I KNEW Lloyd would NOT look after that stupid hamster - I just KNEW I would end up looking after that bloody thing! Grrrrrrrrr ;) bloody cheesy is going to end up with all the other bloody cheesy's at the end of our driveway me thinks......
I love you Lloyd :)
1 day ago