They have picked a minority group that most people know nothing about and care little for and a subject most people are ignorant about. For most people this subject is something to laugh about.....or something to do with perverts or always homosexuality or some weird or strange sexual oddity. How sad.
But imagine spending your whole life feeing like you were born in the wrong body - the wrong sexual body. If only you could afford to have the operation to change it.......
Why should that option only be there for those who can afford it?
Why should everyone else be destined to suffer from depression, suicidal fact often costing our health service even MORE through mental health services than they would if they HAD the reassignment surgery!!!!!!
I've been talking to my oldest Son Chris about his thoughts on this subject and what his friends (Generation We) think about it all - trying to get them to join the Facebook group supporting changing the governments decision etc. Sadly he was quite unresponsive to my anger at the government - I wish he was more passionate!! He is film maker and I was hoping he could use this topic to make a film or DO something! Sometimes I think he doesn't realise the power he holds in his hands when he holds his camera!!!!
I left this on Chris's Facebook page today.....I know he will delete it later....but I tried....again.......
See - now they have cut this, people with GID will have more mental health disorders, may become depressed, suicidal and may end up causing the health service MORE. $700,000 is PEANUTS to the Provincial Gov. compared to the $53 million they are saving from cutting chiro. I think it's extremely discriminatory and your generation should not be allowing this to happen (remember Generation WE).
This isn't an issue to laugh at :( This is peoples lives. As a film maker you have POWER!!!!! Use it!!! Be the POWER!!