1 day ago
Apr 9, 2009
a sneaky look...
....at the kitchen....and yes this weekend I will update the renovation blog BIG time!!!!!
This is Lloyd making us some sandwiches late last night as we didn't have time to have dinner last night. I had the camera with me as we had been to the dance recital with the girls, so I snapped a picture or two! As you can see, I still have my lovely carpet of cardboard :) protecting the hardwood!! And the workmens garbage bin for all their bits of building rubble etc and whatever (they also have big recycling bags as they are fussy about recycling everything lol)!!! Their huge vacuum and other things.....oh and the lovely blue tape around my windows etc...and the glow from my grow op ;)
Still waiting for counters, lights above the island, tile, cupboard doors (with and without glass) - door panels for fridge and freezer and dishwashers....and for the painting to be finished so we can unveil the floors ;) Oh and the pot filler to be put on!! Oh and some handles and finishing....