Jul 31, 2009

Beauty midst the drought....

The flower garden is doing terribly this year...I didn't even bother with the barrels down by the apple tree year. The late start to the Summer, and then the VERY dry Summer.....I just couldn't be bothered wasting the time and money on annuals for them.

A few flowers have survived the elements though, including this beauty!

Very few vegetables have done well this year - not just for us but for any gardeners this year. Our peas and potatoes have done very well. We are now getting fresh peas from the garden daily - they never make it to the house though as we just eat them then and there! Mmmmm sweet garden peas, straight from the pod!!! Strawberries and raspberries too! Our new strawberries are not doing well, but our older ones are doing well - we need to weed badly - Hmmmmm if only they could design garden plants that survive drought as well as WEEDS!!!! ;)
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