20 hours ago
Oct 2, 2009
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs....
Before we go and see the movie we have read the book and worked through some lesson plans on the book 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs'. Because it is such an easy reader, I let Abigail read it to Sam on the bed this morning. Abigail is a wonderful reader and reads with wonderful expression - Sam loves to listen to her read to him, and so it was enjoyable for all of us!!
The last photograph shows Sams picture of 'Chewandswallow' and he has started to write a sentence underneath. I asked him if he wanted help with any words and he asked me to write a sentence for him to copy :)
We have a few projects still to work through on this book but will probably make it to the movie in the next few days :) We are all going to go and see it :)