1 day ago
Nov 4, 2009
A few of my favourite websites lately......
One of my favourite websites at the moment is Sprinkles - one of Stacy Julians websites. It's a 'random act of kindness' style website that is about bringing joy into your life and the lives of others. Stacy posts a new idea every Monday on how you can bring a little sprinkle of happiness into your life or into someone elses life - some of the ideas are as simple as sharing a glass of chocolate milk with someone you love using two straws :)
One website that I read almost daily and am frequently sharing on facebook, is FreeRangeKids. This amazing website talks sooooo much sense to me!! It's basic philosophy is that children should be allowed to be children - they should be allowed to ride their bikes and walk to school, play outside and trick or treat without parents hovering over them needlessly. This website is definitely 'up there' in my favourites right now!!
This next blog is full of ENDLESS ideas and inspiration to keep craft-loving children busy!! The Crafty Crow is a fabulous site with links every day to more and more crafty sites - you need never be stuck for seasonal and holiday arts and crafts or recipes for children again!!! My children are constantly asking to make and do - and this website is perfect as a go-to resource!!! Every Mom should have this website bookmarked (and a drawer or cupboard filled with craft supplies ready to go)!!
Writers Digest Promptly is a blog where writing prompts are posted three times a week....you can post your responses to the prompts directly in the comments section, or post a link to your response and post your response in your own blog....or don't post your response at all ;) There are also articles on writing, on blogging etc etc...
One of my favourite recipe blogs is Eat Me Delicious. I have made quite a few of the recipes from this blog now and have never been disappointed! Totally yummy!!! The pictures on here are always amazing too :) Enjoy!!!
One last one - not a favourite website but an important one to us as a family - and this is one on Tourettes syndrome. My 7 year old has Tourettes syndrome, and THIS website is designed for kids and has plenty of simple information about what tourettes is and why a child may have it - why they may or may not be able to control their tics etc etc.....My Daughters main tics are mouth opening and licking her lips but she also has some obsessions that go along with the tics....this is a great website that explains things to her and to any friends/ classmates etc....at their level!!!