Nov 11, 2009

Walking the Amisk Wuche Trail.....

Today is Remembrance Day, and we wrapped up our studies about it this morning - while Lloyd was prepping the stew for dinner, we watched the ceremonies on tv commemorating the Veterans and soldiers lost in the wars.

This afternoon we headed out to Elk Island Park for a hike and to go geocaching.  We hiked the Amisk Wuche Trail - which takes you over the beaver ponds.  It's a really lovely trail.  We saw two moose from the car on the way through the park but I wasn't fast enough with my camera.  We also came across a squirrel on the trail who was very inquisitive and came right up to us - all my pictures are blurry though as he wouldn't stay still!  Sam moved suddenly and the squirrel squeaked and raced off!!  :)

We saw a lot of signs of beaver activity but only saw the beaver from the car on the road through the park.  The ponds inside the trail were all frozen and we couldn't see any beaver swimming at all.  The ponds by the roadside were not frozen and the beaver were out and about:

On the way home we came across these bison who had stopped for a drink at one of the ponds:

We came home and the house smelled sooooooo good!  Lloyds wonderful stew was ready to eat.  Beef stew with red wine, parsnips, swede, potato, onion and carrots in it.....Mmmmmmmm  the perfect meal after our Fall walk! :)

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