We have a bit of a baking fest going on today! It's Sams last day at PreK before Christmas - he has his Christmas party today and they are decorating rice krispy houses!!! I can't wait to see what he does with his :)
After dropping him, gifts for the teachers, fruit loops for the craft, his lunch, backpack, AND the giant duct-tapes K-nex plane that he chose to take for toy share time, Abby and I headed to Save On to pick up some supplies for todays baking! Abby requested that we cook all day!
Firstly we got dinner in the crockpot - chicken pot roast in a yummy gravy.....
Then we made some pumpkin squares (a packet mix from Costco)....
Then we made the base for Banoffee Pie.....and we have a can of condensed milk boiling on the stove - turning it to caramel ready for the pie!!!! YUM!!!
Then Abby made cupcakes which are in the top oven right now!!
It smells GOOD here :)
I had Banoffee Pie years ago at an old boyfriends parents house - and fell in love with it! In fact the pie was MUCH nicer than the boyfriend ;) I made it a couple of times back then....but then forgot all about it!!
Last week I heard it mentioned again and thought I HAVE TO MAKE THIS!!! So today is the day :)
I found a recipe online and it seems easy - except I don't remember boiling the can for two hours last time!!! I will post the recipe next!!! I will also add pictures later ;)
1 day ago