We've had quite the day here at our house! We spent the morning learning all about the Nativity - finding out what houses were like at the time of Jesus' birth and following Mary and Joseph's journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. We read the story and made costumes for Abigail and Sam. Abby's was a halo and wings for an angel, and Sams was a mask for a sheep. Abby worked on Word Searches and colouring pages as well as drawing a HUGE poster of the scene.
This afternoon we looked at another celebration happening at this time - the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah!! I made a dreidel and this evening we are going to play several games of this!!! I wish I had picked up a tub of the gold coins for 'gelt'. We also looked at the reason behind the Hanukkah holiday and the different ways of celebrating the 8 day holiday - including the special candles involved.
In between this, Sam made a HUGE poster world 'thing' (not sure of the term lol) for his little soldiers...which Abigail helped him paint. I made dinner and got that in the crockpot, did laundry, cleaned, and pottered about.....
Thats our day. How was yours???
1 day ago