1 day ago
Dec 23, 2009
Thanks to Tamie.....
......last night, Sam and I were introduced to the delights of 'A Christmas Story'.....
This bizarre, odd and strangely sweet movie was on tv last night. Tamie had mentioned it the other week when I asked for everyones 'must see'
Christmas movies, and so, because Sam had napped earlier in the day and wasn't sleeping, he and I sat up until 11pm last night and watched
this movie last night!!
I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy it because it seemed really odd, but I ended up loving it - the leg lamp, the nasty Santa and Elves, the funny
Chinese Carol Singers and the smiling duck and them cutting it's head off! Blaming his friend for learning the 'F' word.....his Mom teaching his brother
to eat like a pig!!!!
Thanks Tamie for introducing us to this funny Christmas movie - a new tradition for us :) Sam loved it - he sat through the whole thing :)