Jan 1, 2010


This is me.  Now.  The morning after a VERY late night.   The morning after New Years Eve.  It's mid day and I'm sat in bed still.....THINKING about getting up......Chris is still in bed - and I'm sure wherever Laurence is, he is still in bed.....but everyone else is up already.  Only just though.  Blegh....iphoto doesn't do you many favours does it lol!  Almost as bad as passport pictures!

So,  I thought I'd try and work my way through a list of prompts I have for a year of blogging...and the first one is to post a picture of myself.  So. Here I am.  2010.  January 1st.  Almost 40.  Well, in a couple of years ;)

What is 2010 going to bring?  Actually I have no clue!!  Most years I have had a vague idea of what the year is going to have involved...or at least a few things...a trip or an event....or SOMETHING...but this year I don't think we have any plans really - except for Lloyds new business - and of course thats VERY exciting!!  The rest - we'll take it as it comes and enjoy the unknown.

Oh, we do have our little trip planned - but I don't know much about that because Lloyd won't tell me exactly when it is or where we are going!!!  Hhmmmm!!

So, 2010...a year of surprises...a year of relaxing and I'm quite interested to get to New Years Eve and look back and see exactly what it brought us!!!
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