Jan 11, 2010

Olympic Torch Relay excitement!!!

We are getting more and more excited about the Winter Olympics starting here in a few weeks time!!  We have been following the torch bearers on their way across Canada - and were thrilled to see Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards carry it through part of Manitoba last week :)  Yay!!!  We still don't know who will light up the main flame in Vancouver - I am still hoping it will be Betty Fox - Terry Fox's Mom because I really do think that would symbolize Terry Fox's finish line in a kind of way.  I think that would be very special for Canadian people!!

Anyway, on Wednesday the torch travels through OUR town and into Edmonton on it's journey towards Vancouver and we will be heading into town to watch the torch relay.  I am giving the children the day off of school to go and watch.  You can see the details and the route map HERE.

We are using this day as day ONE of our actual school studies to start our lapbook and proper studies of a unit study I downloaded from Currclick too!!

and closer to the Olympics we have all kinds of things planned!  We were lucky enough to have a wonderful trip to Whistler and Vancouver while they were planning and preparing for the games and the children took part in all kinds of activities that the town of Whistler were running there.

Last week at school Susannah and Laurence took part in a torch relay that the schools are doing - the schools are passing a torch from school to school throughout the county and they run a relay with the torch before passing it on to the next school.  Photographs were taken and I will try to get one!

I want the children to see the torch go through our town because Canada won't hold the Olympics for at LEAST another 22 years and I want them to remember this!!!  They will be all grown up then and I want them to remember this as children - the fun and excitement :)  How important it is to support your country and be proud and get excited about these things - NOT be ambivalent!!  Be a cheer squad instead!!  If people don't get excited about things then people stop doing anything.  Thats sad - thats when country's and communities get run down and go down hill.


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