Mr Snowman is NOT doing well.
He is looking very thin. He is looking rather ill. Rather feverish perhaps....mind you, it was 5c when I woke up this morning!!!! i was in shock!!! 5c at 7:30am!!!! On January 15th!!! :)
While we were there Rosie was looking a little guilty and a little tempted and then.... just as we said goodbye to Mr snowman...Rosie snatched away his ARM and ran off with it!!!! His arm!!!!!
Abby and I were in fits of giggles!!!
On the good side, we HAD left him a new nose - a goldfish cracker!! Yum! I wonder if it will still be there tomorrow!!
We didn't take the camera today but we will take it tomorrow and see how Mr Snowman is and report back with pictures of his demise!!! :)
1 day ago