Another digital layout - this one was actually quick to do - does this mean it's getting easier???? Hmmmm - I like this one and really enjoyed doing it!!! Oohhh this is addictive!!! AND there is no mess to clear up afterwards :)
I forgot to say on the way to collect Sam from preschool the other day, I over took a church on the highway!!! Now, I have sometimes overtaken houses and buidlings on the highway - as it's fairly common for them to move houses by truck over here in Canada because the roads are so wide and the trucks so big. However, I have NEVER had to overtake a church before! The actual church was a pretty little white one like in the picture above, and on a smaller truck behind it was the steeple!!! It was quite amusing to have to slow down and over take it!! I wonder where it was going!
Such a shame Lloyd wasn't driving - then I would have been able to snap some pictures! It's the kind of thing people just wouldn't believe!! seeing a church driving up the highway!!