Although marred by tragedy with the very sad death of 21 year old Nodar Kumaritashvili the torch carried on it's journey towards the Olympic opening ceremony today. It traveled through Stanley Park in Vancouver - carried by Arnie and was passed by him to good old Brit Seb Coe!!!! :)
You can read about it HERE.
Such a sad event to have the death of such a young athlete. The speed at which they throw themselves down those icy shoots - on not much more than a kitchen tray.....I have to grit my teeth and cringe when I go down the water shoots at the swimming pools and water parks!!!
My thoughts are with that young mans family - how awful - they must have been so proud and so excited and thrilled to have had a Son at the Olympics....he must have been so thrilled and so excited to be there...all that excitement for tonight and for this week........
And all that aside - the Olympics aside - the sport aside - to lose your Son like that :( and in the media too :( Tragic
1 day ago