1 day ago
Mar 3, 2010
Random Dozen
1. Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Any particular reason? I've never really thought about it. Maybe even numbers - they're neater and easier to organize ;) Hahahaha!
2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "not at all" and 10 being Carly Simon-worthy, how vain are you? 6 Beauty-wise I'm not vain...but I don't like being wrong about things. I'm getting better as I get older because these days I don't care what others think of me - whereas when I was younger I did. So 4 for beauty and 6 for everything else. That said, I feel better within myself when I feel clean, tidy and smart etc - so don't slob out ever in scruffy clothes - I always do my hair even at home. But thats for me - not for anyone else. I can't function otherwise. I couldn't stay in pj's all day - that kind of thing.
3. Among these Irish stereotypes, with which do you identify most closely? Talkative, Proud, Inquisitive, Love to party, Hot-tempered
4. How lucky do you consider yourself? VERY
5. What is the subject of your favorite post that you've written? no clue - I've written so many - I love writing from Canmore and also about getting married - and also a few weeks ago about changing my name :)
6. Describe March weather where you live in three words. warmer /thaw/ snow (set that to repeat lol)
7. How apt are you at detecting blarney when you hear it? (Smooth talk, flattery) VERY and I've learned to be better at it over the last year - enough of the bullsh*t. I'm done!!
8. How "green" are you, environmentally speaking? I try - but fail dismally...and then sometimes I question it all anyway ;)
9. What is your favorite song this week? ' I Believe' - I still can't get it out of my head ;)
10. You are walking along and see a coin on the ground. What denomination does it have to be before you will stop to pick it up? I usually point it out to my children and let them pick it up - even pennies - because they are lucky!!!! Why turn away a penny??? If it's bigger than a penny I kick it to check it moves before bending to pick it up. In London there used to be a lot of coins glued to the ground as jokes so people look stupid trying to pick them up!!
11. Complete the sentence: "Every time I look outside my window I hope to see a goose flying by - when will we see the first ones arriving back??? When will we hear that wonderful first 'honk' of Spring???"
12. What was the #1 song on the day you were born? I'I'd like to teach the World to sing' by the New Seekers.