2 days ago
Apr 21, 2010
Random Dozen...
1. Ever had any run-ins with the "library police?" Yes - a book that had a piece missing when we got it home and when we took it back and told them they said it had NOT had the piece missing when it had left the library as it would have been reported last time it had been returned.....I told them that perhaps it had been lost while it was actually being looked at IN the library because it certainly wasn't there when we started to read it!! I was NOT happy and the lady was sooooo RUDE!!! She is the grouchy librarian there - always so grouchy!! The other librarians are so lovely but she never smiles or chats!! Gggrrrrr!!
2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts? I have several gift bags, tissue, wrapping paper etc saved up in my closet...but otherwise I buy as I need....
3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster? No not really - the closest you could count is that the little village I grew up in was snowed in for several days when I was a child - to the point that cars couldn't get in or out and the farmer had to deliver milk and groceries etc. I remember something happening at some point where water had to be delivered to the villagers as well - not sure what that was about though.....not exactly a natural disaster but the closest I have ever been lol ;)
4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? I LOVE Barry Manilow...I think he looks really freaky - especially now when he has had so much work done!! BUT - his songs are wonderful!! I'm not sure which is my favourite though...maybe 'I made it through the Rain' or 'I Write the Songs'
5. What's the best costume you've ever worn? I wore my Moms wedding dress when I played a 'bride doll' in a play. Apart from that I don't recall ever wearing costumes....Oh I dressed up as a tramp (hobo, bum???) for a Brownie picnic once - that was a good costume.
6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? dictionary.com or thesaurus.com
7. What's your favorite breakfast food? Right now green monsters. Before that it would be Weetabix or applesauce and oats.
8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial? I don't think so - but Laurence LOVES them and watches them all of the time. We did just buy the Magic bullet but not from an infomercial - we got it from Airmiles and because of recommendations from friends. Laurence is loving it though and uses it every day so far. I'm still using my blender...sigh......
9. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes when I have locked myself out of houses I have had to crawl through windows to let myself back in! Or if friends have locked themselves out - I've normally been the smallest person so I'm the one to go in!
10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really - I think that tends to be more like lust....I think love grows when you get to really know someone - on a deeper level.
11. How man pairs of jeans do you own? About 15 - 20
12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be? (Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on "Ace of Cakes."): Christie had one made for us for our Wedding when we returned from Florida - it was turquoise (my favourite colour) and it had white hummingbirds on it (one of my favourite birds) - it was beautiful!!! I loved it!!! Sadly I couldn't appreciate it when I got home - not for a couple of days because I was soooooo very ill at the time :( But when I was finally conscious I LOVED it :)
Apart from that, if someone made me a cake now, I'm not sure....maybe one of my house with the porch and everything....a cake of home with all of us sitting out on the front porch :)