Apr 17, 2010

Saturday ramblings

The frogs are awake and horny ;)  Earlier than normal but last night we heard them croaking for the first time this year :)  Woohoo - they are in the pond and awake from their sleep at the bottom of the cold water in the mud......I love hearing the frogs each Spring!!  If you check back on last year you can listen to the videos of the frogs croaking!!!!

The frogs are awake because it is soooo warm here right now - today it is going to be 24c!!!  YES!!!  24c!!!   and by Wednesday they forecast 25c!!!!!  OMG!!!!!  We will have to put the air conditioning on!!! Woohoo!!!  :)  Here's to Summer :)  I'm loving it!!!  Now of course we could still get a dump of snow before Victoria Day, BUT let's enjoy this while it lasts :)  We're firing up the BBQ tonight  :)

Last night the neighbours dog was over playing with our dogs and then our neighbour dropped by to say hi...then she invited us over after supper to see her little baby and see how he had grown.  So after our pizzas I took Susannah and Abigail over for a little while to see their baby - awwww he has grown so much - chewing on his fists and full of smiles :)  He is so adorable :)  Just the cutest thing :)

Anyway - Today it too nice to waste on the computer, so now I have updated my blog I am off outside to enjoy my day!!

Have a good one everyone!!!
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