Outside My Window... the sun is shining, seagulls are in the sky, the strange birds that fly over once or twice a year and make VERY odd noises are circling occasionally...still no idea what they are. They fly in a big group and in a V, very high up and the noise is so strange!! Frogs are croaking....
I am thinking...about art, craft sales, Etsy, about the Email I just sent to Mr TDH....about whether the children are ever going to decide if they want to go to the zoo or not....or if maybe they are just too tired today to do much of anything....
I am thankful for...a LOVELY Easter weekend - fabulous weather, lots to do, so much fun, good food....feeling loved :)
From the kitchen... Easter treats, Laurence baking...more and more salads appearing with dinners as the weather gets nicer :)
I am wearing... am not dressed yet as the kids can't decide what they want to do....so as soon as they decide then I will know what to put on! Sunbathing comfy things for the deck - or clothes suitable for going out in!!
I am creating....canvases....ready to sell :) I'm excited about this new venture!!
I am going...to be having a bit of outpatient surgery on Wednesday and also to see Amber on Thursday to get my hair cut and have my regular 'therapy' ;)
I am reading...nothing really at the moment...lots on my bedside though ready to be read...and I'm reading a lot with Sam.
I am hoping...this week is kind to me...I really could do with an easier week please and thank you.
I am hearing... the breeze outside....the birds outside...the childrens voices from downstairs...
Around the house...cleaning up the yard as the snow melts - can't wait to be able to clean out the garage....get the firepit going and burn some of the old cupboards etc....decluttering drawers and closets in the house. Want to get more storage for the basement. Would prefer to get rid of 'stuff' though!!!
One of my favorite things...taking Rosie for walks and watching the children have so much fun in the mud...the simple and complete joy Sam has playing in puddles and mud with a stick....it's just lovely to watch :)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...outpatient surgery, hair appt, meeting Darren for a chat, hoping to catch up with Samantha, Strathcona County museum with Sam and Abby, library....and Millwoods mall/ library too as I need more canvases....and excited about my weekend trip :)
1 day ago