Sep 27, 2011


This morning Sam and Abby spent doing school work....they both took turns on the computer and on the iphone - I have some new apps that I have got after joining a new website especially for homeschoolers who like apps!!  Math games, spelling games, creativity games...

They worked on their Minecraft project together and after I asked a few questions about it for a friend they then sat and explained even more about it to me and then Abigail researched several links and information about it and Emailed it to me :)  

Abigail registered for the online 'live' Lego club on Currclick and sat and listened to most of todays class - she now has the recording of it and wants to get all the bits of Lego we didn't have so she can create the DNA that they built in todays lesson.  I think she is now hooked on live online lessons :) 

Abigail did some of her spelling workbook, and Sam did a page of her dice math workbook and then a page of his Community workbook for 'social':

Abigail has written a kind of bucket list of things she wants to do before she turns 10.  It's kind of funny as many of the things on her list are things she has already done before but she just wants to do again - so she has been working through it - today she wanted to cook a meal, so I helped a bit but she did the majority of it all - have to say that her basmati rice was the BEST rice EVER - it was perfectly fluffy and  light!!!  Yay for Abby!!  She did honey and garlic meatballs with mixed vegetables and rice!  It was yummy :)

I found this when I came downstairs:

Tonight I went out for coffee with my friend Cori....her girls have been sorting out their toys and she brought with her  a big (HUGE) box of Littlest Pet Shop toys for Abigail...Abby is going to be thrilled when she wakes up in the morning :)

Before I met Cori I went into Homesense to have a look around - they had tons of toys on clearance, so I had a look through and managed to pick several things up to put away for Christmas....I'm doing quite well for Christmas already.  I have all my gifts for friends organized and bought, and I have several stocking fillers and under-the-tree gifts done too :)  I want to budget carefully and spread the cost as unfortunately my Ex is completely unreliable with giving us any money.  I don't want to be in a position where I am having to use the childrens Christmas money to pay the mortgage, so I would rather be prepared and not rely on someone who has proved himself to be nothing BUT UNRELIABLE :( 

Anyway, I had a lovely evening catching up with Cori - as always, it has been far too long since we've spent time together, so we had a lot of talking - and laughing to do!!!  

Darren was messaging me while I was having coffee with Cori....something about needing a ride home because he'd been drinking...oh ha bloody ha!!!  ;)   That guy is just IMPOSSIBLE lol...but yes do make me smile :)  


So....that was our day....Susannah seemed to have had a good day at school despite some upset over a boy yesterday - thankfully the boy apologised which I am very grateful for and happy that he did so.  

Laurence also seemed to have a good day - he baked an apple pie at school today - and brought it home, but we didn't get to see any of it because he was hungry on the bus and ate it!!!!!!
He's making lemon meringue pie on Thursday - I told him it's his dad's favourite....but no doubt it won't last long enough for his dad to try any!!!  Growing boys....sigh...all they do is eat ;)  

Tomorrow is a busy day - with psych appointments in the morning, French club all afternoon and I'm out in the evening with my fabby friend :)  

Wednesday is busy too....with facilitator meetings, I have an appointment to help someone with design ideas for their house....and grocery shopping in the evening.  

and Thursday Bricks4Kidz starts....

and then Friday....well, thats a whole other story ;)

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